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Thank you to our Symposium Sponsors. This event would not be possible without their support. Be sure to stop by their exhibit booth at the Symposium!

Become a Sponsor

To join the conference as a sponsor, please download the sponsorship brochure below. Review the options and benefits of each sponsorship and submit a completed application to Conference Manager, Sandra Hall at If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via phone at (530) 754-8374. 


PlaneNoise Inc.

KB Environmental Sciences

Vector Airport Systems

Ruby Sponsors

Sapphire Sponsor

Harris’ EnvironmentalVue noise and operations monitoring solution enables airports to manage aircraft noise and community engagement proactively.  A true 2D/3D GIS platform; EnvironmentalVue helps to reduce cost through quick installation and minimal hardware requirements while providing accurate flight tracks powered by NextGen data.  Find out more at

EMS Brüel & Kjær is a global provider of continuous, unattended environmental monitoring solutions. Our managed services and products deliver environmental intelligence to help clients achieve business outcomes and growth.


More than 250 airports use our services to manage environmental impact and build community support.  Our Business as a Service model simplifies operations for customers. Tailored for Airports – our solutions provide data for numerous purposes including regulatory compliance and community outreach.

Casper is a privately held innovative IT company specializing in the development of real-time location-based monitoring and analysis tools for the aviation industry. The firm supplies customized airport noise and flight tracking systems, A-CDM situational awareness solutions, and interactive community involvement websites.

Casper delivers accurate, real-time information to stakeholders in an intuitive format that is easy to understand and interpret.  By visualizing the impact of aircraft operations, we support sustainable decision-making in the aviation industry.

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